Nursing as a Second Career with Jane Kraut
Join hosts Gail Donner and Mary Wheeler for a lively conversation with Jane Kraut, RN, BN, BA, a Graduate Student at the College of Nursing at the University of Manitoba.
In this episode Jane discusses what brought her to the nursing profession as a second career, after working in the business world for a number of years. Jane opens up about what drove her to pursue nursing in her 30s, successfully juggling the responsibilities of parenthood with going back to school to head down a new career path.
We wish to thank Pfizer Canada for their sponsorship of Season Two of Nurses’ Voices, and to the Canadian Nurses Foundation and the Canadian Nurses Association for their ongoing support.
About Our Guest

Jane Kraut, RN, BN, BA
Graduate Student – College of Nursing, University of Manitoba
From Jane:
Being called to nursing later in life after a career in finance and human resources, I have been practising as a registered nurse for the last 8 years. Since my graduation in 2014, I have worked in many different roles outside of traditional bedside nursing: as a community Palliative Care nurse, a hospital-based case coordinator for the Manitoba Home Care program, a clinical nursing instructor for geriatric and community rotations and Simulation Facilitator and operator at the University of Manitoba, and as a summer camp nurse at B’Nai B’rith Camp in Kenora, Ontario.
As a life-long learner, I returned to graduate school in fall 2019 to pursue a Master of Nursing degree and am currently working towards my thesis. My research looks at death education in the school system as an early intervention to normalize conversations about death, dying, caregiving, and grieving as part of a public health approach to palliative care.
While it took me longer to get here, nursing has been a wonderful experience, full of unique opportunities that have fit with my family, life, and values. I have also learned, through experience, that in nursing the possibilities are endless – nursing knowledge and skills are transferrable to many other facets of life and previous knowledge and skills fit well within nursing. Who knows what might come next? I look forward to my next adventure!
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