New Curriculum Design to Help Graduates Be Practice Ready with Sara Lankshear
Welcome to the premiere episode of Nurses’ Voices, Season Three: Change is Possible!
This episode profiles Central Ontario’s first college standalone nursing degree program and the approaches taken for innovative curriculum design that actively engaged health care partners and subject matter experts. The aim was to ensure the curriculum met the needs of the community and that the nursing degree program closed the academic – practice gap, ultimately creating future nurses that are practice ready!
If you would like to learn more about this initiative, please contact our guest Sara Lankshear:
Sara Lankshear RN, PhD
Associate Dean – Nursing Programs
Georgian College, Barrie Ontario
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New Curriculum Design to Help Graduates Be Practice Ready with Sara Lankshear
New Curriculum Design to Help Graduates Be Practice Ready with Sara Lankshear Welcome to the premiere episode of Nurses' Voices, Season Three: Change is Possible! This episode profiles Central Ontario’s first college standalone nursing degree program and the approaches taken for innovative curriculum design that actively engaged health